Thermarest Z Lite vs Nemo Switchback: The Full Guide
Thermarest was a passion project that was started in 1971 by a bunch of engineers who were searching for a job, scientists who found inspiration in a garden pad, and mountain climbers who wanted better equipment. They all came together with big dreams. And since then, Thermarest has been one of the leading manufacturers of outdoor equipment. As for its peer, Nemo Equipment, it was literally conceived ‘on a dark and stormy night’. That was when the founder, Cam Brensinger, spent a dreadful sleepless night while camping at Mount Washington. In 2005, Nemo won the ISPO Brand New award and became the TIME and Popular Science nominees 100 for best inventions of the year. The name ‘NEMO’ stands for New England Mountain Equipment. This harkens to their New England origins, as well as Jules Verne’s Captain Nemo. From their histories alone, one would expect the face-off between Thermarest Z Lite vs. Nemo Switchback to be quite interesting! Thermarest Z Lite vs Nemo Switchback Overview Camp...